Rules on Plumbing Continuing Education Classes in Utah

When you're searching for "plumbing school near me" in Utah, remember that Flynn's quickED offers the continuing education classes you need to renew your plumbing license.
The Utah Department of Professional Licensing requires plumbers and other tradesmen and professionals to complete a predetermined number of continuing education classes each year. This requirement helps ensure that plumbers and others keep up to date with changes in their industry, and that they continue to grow, learn and improve themselves.
In order to ensure that the classes do what the DOPL intends, plumbing schools be approved by the DOPL. That way, plumbers in Utah can be sure that the DOPL-approved school they attend is a quality plumbing school.
What Do You Learn in a DOPL-Approved Plumbing School in Utah?
Of the 12 required hours of plumbing continuing education classes, eight of these hours must be in core subjects, which include construction codes and laws, job site safety, OSHA safety training, governmental regulations, employee verification, payment processes, financing, bookkeeping, and good business practices.
The remaining four hours can be in the professional development area, including land development and use, energy conservation, planning and zoning, and many other topics and areas.
The DOPL requires that for every hour of plumbing continuing education you receive; you must get 50 minutes of instruction in the form of lectures, training modules, seminars, conferences, or distance learning modules.
How Does a Plumbing School in Utah Qualify for DOPL Approval?
The DOPL has several requirements for becoming an approved plumbing school. All approved plumbing schools in Utah must offer continuing education classes that conform to the rules regarding subject matter.
Plumbing continuing education classes must be taught by qualified instructors. They also must have clear objectives that are in writing and given to students ahead of time. Courses must be submitted for approval to the DOPL and will only receive authorization if they meet the requirements outlined. These procedures help protect the students, who otherwise may pay for and spend time on a plumbing continuing education class and not get credit for it.
If students are taking plumbing school online in Utah, the class must have a verified registration process that proves participants enrolled in the class. Plumbing continuing education online classes must also conclude with a test, and plumbing schools may use no fewer than five
versions of the test given at random. The course must allow for the ability of the plumbing school to track how much time each student spent on the modules, which activities they did, and what their test scores were. The plumbing school’s certificate of completion should be signed by the course instructor and include information such as the name of the plumbing continuing education class, the date(s) it was taken, the name of the plumbing school and instructor and the student’s name.
As you can see, the DOPL’s rules and regulations are stringent. Sign up for Flynn’s quickED plumbing school today, and receive DOPL-approved continuing education hours for plumbers.